Nothing beats bringing home a new dog.  You can expect a constant wagging tail and a newfound friend who never gets tired of playing fetch. Now that’s something to look forward to. The occasional accident on a rug or furniture is par for the course when it comes to bringing home the newest furry family member. While pets can be a great source of joy and fun, they also require responsible owners. Here are some tips for first-time dog owners. 

It’s no secret that dogs need a lot of attention, healthy food, adequate exercise, and a safe home environment. First-time dog owners also should ensure that their pup is taught to properly behave indoors and around other people and animals, too. Whether bringing home a puppy or an adult dog, it’s best to prepare ahead of time to make sure inevitable surprises are not inevitable. 

Dog Days

Pet allergies

How your dog will spend most of his days is a primary consideration for first-time dog owners. Will your dog be at home alone most of the day? Will she go to doggy day-care? 

Depending on your circumstances, it’s important to map out what his day will look like so that your furry friend gets enough time to socialize with other dogs and people. Dogs are pack animals and expect to be with their pack most of the time, so leaving a dog alone unattended for long stretches of time isn’t recommended and could easily cause anxiety. 

Signs of pet anxiety include destructive acts like chewing and digging, excessive barking, howling and pacing. If your pet is experiencing these symptoms you could get them a natural calming supplement that can help them feel more calm, cool, and collected.

The Dog House Smell

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and immediately known a dog lives there? One often unexpected challenge first-time dog owners experience is managing pet dander and smells. Training your four-legged friend to refrain from sitting and sleeping on couches and beds can reduce the presence of dog smells that tend to linger in some homes. A great tip for first-time dog owners can employ to manage smells is regularly scheduled baths for your little pup. Veterinarians recommend a bath at least once every three months as a minimum, but dogs can be bathed as often as every other week provided the shampoo is gentle. 

Pet Allergies 

Pet allergies

You may not have been aware when you decided to become a new dog-parent that you were allergic to puppies. Suddenly, you’re sneezing up a storm. You aren’t sure if it’s just the season, or if it’s pet allergies. 

Here are a few tell-tale signs that, yes, you indeed do have pet allergies: 

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Congestion
  • Postnasal drip
  • Cough

Pet allergies can also lead to other more serious concerns, particularly if you have asthma, which could lead to difficulty breathing, difficulty sleeping, and other more serious health concerns. 

If it is determined that you suffer from pet allergies, a dehumidifier from Eva Dry can help. Our products are some of the safest, most powerful, renewable mini-dehumidifiers on the market today.

Particularly for pet parents who live in humid climates or that battle humidity in the home, Eva Dry’s innovative dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from your home and spaces to keep allergens and bacteria that thrive in moist warm environments, at bay. Keeping your home moisture-free will do a lot to significantly improve your pet allergies.

Easy Tips for First-Time Dog Owner

Now that you’ve learned a few tips for first-time dog owners, remember, there are a number of proven health benefits people experience from owning a pet,  including increased physical activity and emotional and mental stability. Thanks to the very vocal and engaged pet community, there is a multitude of online resources and tips for first-time pet owners to make the transition from life without a pet, to becoming a pet parent seamless and smooth. By keeping your home healthy, safe and moisture free you can ensure your newfound BFF is just as happy as you are. 

If you want to learn more about Eva-Dry dehumidifiers contact us today or explore our selection of available units to see which one is perfect for you, your home, and your pet. 

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